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Devastating Incident Shakes Mad Butcher Grocery In Fordyce Arkansas

Mass Shooting Horrifies Small Town: Nine Shot, Two Fatally

Devastating Incident Shakes Mad Butcher Grocery in Fordyce, Arkansas

Tragic Event Leaves Community in Shock and Mourning

In a shocking and heart-wrenching incident, a mass shooting has occurred at Mad Butcher Grocery in the small town of Fordyce, Arkansas. According to state authorities, nine individuals were shot, with two succumbing to their injuries.

The tragedy unfolded on Friday morning, sending shockwaves through the local community. Law enforcement responded swiftly to the active shooter incident, while emergency services worked tirelessly to transport victims to nearby hospitals.

The motive behind the shooting remains unknown, and authorities are conducting a thorough investigation. The small town of Fordyce, typically known for its peaceful nature, is now reeling from the horrifying event.
