Lake Union SkyLaunch Marina: Convenient Year-Round Moorage
Premiere Location for Boaters
Convenient Access to Lake Union
Nestled just a few blocks from the main Seattle SkyLaunch facility, the Lake Union SkyLaunch Marina offers boaters a convenient and year-round moorage solution.
This premier SkyLaunch location provides secure moorage under a sprinklered rooftop, while the innovative launch system allows vessels to be launched directly into North Lake Union just beneath the I-5 skybridge.
The convenient access to Lake Union offers boaters the opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty and recreational activities that this popular waterfront destination has to offer.
Whether you're a seasoned boater or just starting out, the Lake Union SkyLaunch Marina provides an exceptional moorage experience with its convenient location, state-of-the-art facilities, and direct access to the vibrant waters of Lake Union.